Cry Purple

One woman's journey through homelessness, crack addiction, and prison, to blindness, motherhood, and happiness

Archive for December, 2012


Posted by crypurple on December 9, 2012

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Christine McDonald and Cry Purple is the name of the book that I have written about my life.  My journey has certainly been circuitous and definitely full of ruts and hurtles, but it has allowed me to develop a certain school of thought as to what direction I want to move toward to develop my  future.

I believe that we can’t change our past, but from this day forward we can pick a dream, put forth the effort and make it happen! No matter what we have done, no matter where we come from, even if no one believes in us. We, ourselves, have the ability to change!!

There is a poem by an unknown author about the road to success.  This poem speaks to me aChristine leaning on chairnd empowers me to continually move forward in improving my existence and the life I want to provide for my son.  It reads as follows:

The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called Failure,

 A loop called Confusion,
Speed bumps called Friends,

 Red lights called Enemies,
Caution lights called Family,

 You will have flats called Jobs,
But, if you have a spare called Determination,
An engine called Perseverance,

 Insurance called Faith,
A driver called God,
You will make it to a place called Success.

I believe this.  There were many times in my life when I could have been taken off this earth, but I am still here, so I know God still has plans for me.

Please feel free to explore the other pages in this blog and learn more about me.  On my About page, you can read more about Cry Purple, including information on where to buy it, if you want to read more.

All the best,


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